
We live every day, every moment… Do we?

Do we really live or just exist. Existing in other person’s thoughts, their existence, their memory or any other reason of our existence.

Why don’t we simply accept that change is the key element of our life. Life goes on no matter what happens, no matter any thing changes or a person gets change, their priorities get change or their behavior for you. They also have their life their thought process may be, now you don’t exist for them like before just like for you someone else will be, it’s just a matter of way we think to get our thinking done by taking a person in our life.

But it’s not always this as well, at times it’s our mistake as well to trust someone so quickly that when they show their true behavior, true self we can’t accept or if we’re attached to them we don’t want to accept it. So we should also learn to see the true one behind their fake faces. We should learn not to trust so easily on anyone. Not everyone is their for us. Not everyone is like what they show us to be.

But above all this let’s learn to accept the changes and cope up with that changes either they are with materialistic things or with humans.

Lets do that because if we want we can do anything. And one day when UNIVERSE get tired of us and see our power of coping up with every change UNIVERSE itself will send a person and an environment for us which will never change and will never get tired of us and will make us realize that we’re the best thing happened to them.

So, Just have FAITH. Because its the only element which gives the power to live and enjoy every moment of life rather then just existing in it.

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